FEU registers 509 new Nurses in November 2023 PNLE
- December 10, 2023 10:51
FEU Advocate
October 14, 2021 03:18
by Prince Thomas I. Siñel
Let us welcome profoundly our colors, symbols, flags, and spirits:
This is a place of reality where religion is a profound melody.
Open your ears to the tune of Allah from the central lands.
I radiate solemnity—oh, how I believe in harmony amidst diverse beliefs.
When my mother nurtured me, she became my tongue.
I have the native, the first one—hailing from the east.
Amidst our language differences, we can communicate by heart.
If leaders become gods, if citizens become slaves,
I will not be silenced in the southeast.
I listened to Motherland lullabies, so I learned how to sing, I learned how to fight.
You may call me a nature goddess for the Earth is with me.
I am the mountains, rivers, and valleys here in the south,
As I illuminate this sun-drenched skin.
I believe in my blood, a living mark of my origin.
In this oil of wealth that perpetually flows in the veins of my western lands.
I breathe, I live, in the name of abundance.
With a kaleidoscope of beauty, I am proud to be Asian.
(Illustration by Ciara Lasdosce/FEU Advocate)