Tanagas of Love Languages

FEU Advocate
February 14, 2021 12:00

A Tanaga about Giving Gifts

‘for love’

ah yes, it’s better to give.
a gift for the one we love.
it’s telling a narrative.
oh, wrapped with nothing but love.

-Prince Thomas I. Siñel

A Tanaga about Words of Affirmation

To My Lighthouse Dreamer
By James Pascua

When I feel lost in the seas,
Your loving words never cease.
Oh, the words sounded sweeter,
And you were there, my dreamer.

A Tanaga about Acts of Service

My Declaration
By Lance Christopher A. Bisda

Words may not reveal my heart
but know the deeds I impart,
My action gently whispers:
a love song, this it offers.

A Tanaga About Quality Time

Hands of Time

I love you every day,
Even around me is grey,
Spending a night out of town,
I always want you around.

-Ella Meriel C. Merin

A Tanaga about Physical Touch

By Mary Angeli Faith Guisinga

Warmth of your hand welcomed me,
While we're walking by the sea
And your fingers brushed gently
Through my heart you came softly.

(Photos by Arnold Quizol and Patricia Marie Cañete/FEU Advocate)