#TamBuzz: 9 changes Tamaraws expect from the Duterte presidency

FEU Advocate
July 11, 2016 19:03

By Natasha Nicole M. Dimaculangan and
Allyson Nichole S. Honra

The triumph of Rodrigo Duterte is a quench to the citizens’ thirst for real change. As he takes his post, the Filipinos fix their gaze at him and at the same time, put their faith in him with the hope that he could make the nation better than before.

Here are nine things that a few Tamaraws demand from the upcoming administration:

1. Curfew for the few

Attention, minor bar hoppers and party goers! Gone are the #WalwalNights when you do your favorite sneak-outs in life for the next president wishes to impose the 10PM curfew. True enough, few minors see their adolescent years as a time for them to break freely from stress and have a taste of freedom once in a while. But what they fail to realize is that curfews can actually be beneficial to them.

Minsan kasi ‘yung mga minors nagfee-feeling matanda. Atat uminom, tapos malalasing, tapos ‘pag mapapahamak naman nagsisisi. Kapag may curfew na for sure mababawasan ang incidents na may kasamang minors (Sometimes, minors feel that they’re adults already. They’re very eager to drink and get drunk. But when they get in trouble, they eventually feel regret. If curfew would be imposed, for sure, there’ll be lesser incidents concerning minors)," Hannah Jelsea Viloria, 2nd year Tourism student explained.

So the next time you set your foot out of the door and your parents remind you of their curfew, instead of rolling your eyes and sighing hardly, it’s time to recognize that they are just putting up your safety. After all, what kind of parent would wish to see their underage children in danger and be victims of heinous crimes?

2. Liquor no more

Rooting for a better Philippines, some say that Duterte’s wishful implementation of “no selling of liquors after 2 am” welcomes a sober way of straightening some individuals' bad habit – excessive drinking.

Madalas ang mga kaso ng krimen ata may kinalaman sa laklakan. Sabi nga sa kanta, 'basta may alak may balak.' Hindi man maalis nang tuluyan ng liquor ban, at least mabawasan man lang [‘yung krimen] (Most of the crimes today can be rooted to drinking excessively. As the song goes 'If there’s booze, a dark plan is on the loose.' If not eradicated, liquor ban should at least alleviate the number of crimes),” favored Raisa Sarenas, incoming 4th year Accounting student.

If you think that you are now being denied of your freedom, think twice. Banning alcoholic beverages is for your own safety, Tams and it is another strategy to reduce a pile of atrocities related to intoxication.

3. Ceasing smoking

Don’t you just hate it when you’re peacefully walking down a street and someone suddenly blows cigarette smoke directly to your face? Alas! Fret no more for the upcoming “no smoking” policy has come to the rescue.

Incoming 3rd year Medical Technology student Nio Clacer Mejia lamented that “Dumadagdag lang ‘yung usok sigarilyo sa air pollution eh. Tapos delikado din kaming non-smokers na nakakalanghap. Malaking bagay kapag mapatupad nga ni Duterte ‘to once na naupo na siya (Cigarette smoke only worsens air pollution. Non-smokers are even at risk. It’s a big thing if no smoking policy will be implemented once Duterte is seated).”

After all, what harm could it do to the country if this little policy pushes through? Aside from helping to heal the nature, it’ll be a great way to save thousands or even millions of lives.

4. Delve in to K + 12?

While the Philippines aims to develop education to be at par with the counterparts abroad and prepare graduates for tertiary level, some say it is just a means of extending the suffering and slowing down the years of students in secondary level.

Geryl Francis Roa, 1st year Communication student added that, “Duterte should think about what benefits K + 12 will bring [to the parents]. Hindi naman ng lahat ng magulang ay may pera (Not all parents have the financial capacity) to bring their children to college, what more if two years will be added?”

With only a handful of public schools actually ready for the K + 12 program, education should be a great investment to the country, and not another burden to carry. But still, there are backlogs that need to be addressed by the following administration. What people need is evident development, and assurance that K +12 is a good offer after all.

5. Conform to no-uniform

Aside from being an identifying element, uniforms are equalizers especially in the public school setting.

With the outgoing mayor of Davao City eyeing on the “No Uniform” policy in public schools, some college students also wish for this to be applied to them.

Magandang idea ‘yung 'No Uniform' policy kasi ‘di mo na kailangang magpagawa or bumili ng uniform every year and may freedom ka ('No Uniform' policy is a good idea because you don’t have to buy uniform yearly and you have the freedom) to wear what you want. Hassle din kasi kapag konti lang uniform mo tapos nasira 'yung isa, ano nang gagamitin mo? (It’s a hassle) to think about what you should do in case one of your uniforms gets destroyed. Especially when you only have few of it)," Ynalyn Navarra, a 3rd year Education student singled out.

Not only will 'No Uniform' policy give the students the chance to pick their daily wear, embracing wash day will cut down their expenses, which is a great deal to all people; regardless of what status they are in.

6. Prevent sexual harassment

Attending to the endless cries of women against catcalling ought to be the President's top priority. Walking down the street even in the middle of the night should not be too much of a problem for the ladies.

Bigyan pansin [sana] ‘yung issue ng pambabastos sa mga babae sa kalye tulad ng catcalling. Kasi feeling ko very unsafe na, na ‘pag lalabas ka ng bahay kahit hindi gabi, dalawang bagay ang kailangan mong isipin; una ‘yung gamit na dala mo na baka manakaw, pangalawa, ‘yung katawan mo o sarili mo na baka nakawin din ng kung sino lang diyan ‘yung pagkababae mo (Maybe they should pay attention to the issue of sexual harassment of women in the street like catcalling. I don't feel safe, even when you’re going out in daylight, there are two things you need to think about; first the things you have that could be stolen, secondly anyone out there might steal your femininity),” Mikee Enciso, 4th year Advertising student pointed out.

President Digong might have been caught on live television catcalling another reporter, but he vows to be in his best behavior this time. The world watches this known "dirty talker" as he obeys the adage "practice what you preach" once and for all.

7. Be free from crony

One Carlo Diaz, an incoming 4th year Communication student said “I wish that he would set aside his debt of gratitude towards his friends and allies, and start forging unity simply on the basis of merit and mandate.”

Apparently, there are six more years to witness where his loyalty really lies, on his friends or the country?

8. Give same sex marriage a listen

Hearing out what the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community has to say could fulfill what their hearts have been continuously fighting for.

“If possible, pag-isipan nila o bigyang pansin ang pagpapatupad ng same sex marriage dito sa Philippines. Hindi lang naman kasi ang pagiging labeled as ‘Married’ ang habol ng third sex, gusto rin namin eh ‘yung perks ng married na may legal papers (If possible, they should think or give consideration in implementing same sex marriage here in the Philippines. It’s not just about being labeled as ‘Married’; we also want the perks of married people with legal papers),” shared third year BS Tourism Management student Jewel Gomez.

Let's hope #LoveWins in the Philippines in his six-year rule.

9. Anti-crime campaign should reign

“Dear President Duterte, I hope that your anti-crime campaign will push through without disregarding due process and rule of law," remarked Zejomar Semic, an incoming fourth year BS Psychology student.

The Filipinos earnestly yearn for peace. With a tough leader like him, everyone is expecting he could reduce, if not blot out, the atrocities in the country once and for all.

The whim for a better Philippines of several Tamaraws has resulted in a cache of expectations. As the new supreme ruler sits in his throne, it is only right that the Philippine crowd becomes more critical, demanding, and hopeful.