Passage to Jeepney Modernization: Plight of the ‘King of the Road’
- April 30, 2021 13:20
FEU Advocate
June 13, 2021 14:22
By Antonio Luis Carreon
The Student Development (SDev) released its Implementing Rules and Regulations for the appointment of Far Eastern University (FEU) student leaders next academic year, following the decision to defer from an online election.
Several exchanges from FEU Central Student Organization (FEUCSO), Institute Student Councils, and Academic Organizations occurred to discuss the leadership succession amid an online setup.
The decision to settle for an appointment is intended to provide enough time to create an Omnibus Election Code that would be fit for the ‘new normal’ and set the stage for the new Committee on Elections (COMELEC) of the University.
SDev also noted that it will give them an opportunity to conduct mock elections for the next academic year.
Among the positions that will be open for application for appointment are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, auditor, and press relations officer.
General qualifications include:
In accordance with specific qualifications for positions such as president and treasurer, applicants must be at least an incumbent officer from the organization he/she is applying for.
Applicants must also apply for Certificate of Good Moral from the Student Discipline and submit a screenshot of their second semester grades.
A term extension for current student leaders from May 31 to July 9 will be given to prevent office vacancy while awaiting the next set of officers.
SDev also shared the process of document screening which shows the stringent process of determining whether an applicant is qualified or not.
The guidelines also specified the screening committee that will scrutinize the applicants of FEUCSO, Institute Councils, and Academic Organizations.
Further, the screening committee will be composed of former student leaders, faculty members, and local community leaders that will judge the completeness and accuracy of each applicant’s documents.
The posting of applications started on May 27, 2021, while the application period will begin from May 31 until June 14.
Announcement of appointed student leaders is expected to happen on July 9.