5 Tamaraw Traditions that You Need to Know

FEU Advocate
December 02, 2022 06:19

By Kristine Anjela C. Pablo, Jemina Eunice G. De Leon, & Alexia Maravilla

One thing to know about the Tamaraw Community is that they share a diverse culture. Even before the pandemic, the campus grounds were filled with the much-anticipated traditions and beliefs whenever there were student-led events to occur.

Gone are the days when we were stuck in our own homes for two years due to the COVID-19 virus—the University finally opened its doors to the students to fully experience learning face-to-face and the campus life. 

Tams surely have the knack to fulfill their green and gold experience in the best way possible. With that being said, here are five (5) campus traditions inculcated by the Tamaraws!

Tamaraw Tradition #1: Make your wish come true: Writing in stones

“Ding! Ang bato!” 

This may not be a Darna prequel or sequel, but Tamaraws do have a knack for manifesting what they want to achieve–may it be in their lucky lovelife or a kwatro in their Student Central. 

From “manifesting”, “___ cuties”, and phone numbers, writing on the stones scattered all over the Freedom Park became an unspoken tradition among Tamaraws throughout the years. Statements like, “Sana magkajowa na ako”, “Pasado sa CPALE cutie,” these stones brought together different manifestations and stories of each student who has walked through the happy halls of the University. 

Tamaraw Tradition #2: It’s always raining in One Concierto Piyu

Aside from the no jumping rule, one may not forget that One Concierto brings you that hydro experience. It is that time of the year when Tamaraws come together to sing and dance along with various local artists in the most anticipated event of the year. But here’s the plot twist: it’s always raining during One Concierto. A tradition that existed from the perfect timing of singing and dancing under the pouring rain. There’s nothing that can stop Tamaraws from having fun! 

Tamaraw Tradition #3: A week dedicated to academic institutes

Before we know it, the Lovers’ Lane and Freedom Park are filled with booths and stalls to celebrate an institute for a week. Organized by respective institute councils, there is one week dedicated for celebration to each institute. This signifies and champions the students’ efforts in the academic scene by showcasing their wits and talents through a series of contests, art, and their line of pursuit.

Tamaraw Tradition #4: Free Hugs at Lovers’ Lane

Sana pogi ‘yung nagpapa-free hug!” 

But aside from these inclinations, Tamaraws certainly bring their sentients to uplift one’s mental well-being. 

Nothing beats a comforting hug at the end of a long day of classes. During University events such as Tam Hunt, Concierto, and Tatak Tamaraw, you may stumble upon a blindfolded student holding up a placard that says, “free hugs!”. 

Scientifically speaking, a warm embrace evokes a sense of encouragement and positive energy. 

Tamaraw Tradition #5: Where the Yema tree stands tall

Witnessing FEU’s Christmas Tree shine in Freedom Park is a fulfilling sem-ender for the Tamaraws. It is widely known as the “yema tree” among the FEU community for its colorful shades that resemble the cellophane wrappers of the Filipino delicacy, yema. Whether you just finished taking your final exams or presenting your final reports, the yema tree standing tall marks the Christmas season for the students. 

These traditions mark the unforgettable stories of the Tamaraws. It is the conventional practices that you will bring as a seasoned Tamaraw whether you have stepped in and out of the happy halls of the University.

Are there any Tamaraw traditions that we missed? Comment below!