Student councils, orgs condemn controversial ‘Online Class’ webisode

FEU Advocate
August 15, 2020 04:29

By Agustin F. San Andres Jr.
Photo (from right) screengrab from Vincentiments’ video

Student councils and organizations from different universities denounced the widely criticized and viral ‘Online Class webisode of VinCentiments, depicting an online learning set up ‘antagonizing’ the role of teachers.

Days after the video was released, Far Eastern University (FEU) Institute of Education Student Council (IESC) penned in their official statement that amid the challenges in shifting to remote online learning, one must respect, appreciate and acknowledge the efforts and struggles of all educators.

“On the 8th day of August, the latest episode of VinCentiments entitled ‘Online Class’ was released—the same day that teachers were publicly humiliated and disrespected. While we understand that its goal is to portray the students in the online class setting, the episode fails to recognize several important matters,” they added.

IESC also explained that the teachers, just like students, are victims of this unprecedented time.

Ang mga kaguruan ay hindi kaaway at lalong hindi ginusto ng mga kaguruan ang mga nangyayari sa kasalukuyan (The teachers are not the enemy and most especially they did not want this to happen),” the statement ended.

On the other hand, FEU’s Young Educators Society (YES) also released their official statement condemning the irresponsible, insulting and disrespectful portrayal of teachers.

“We recognize that it is their right to voice out their concerns as part of their Freedom of Expression. But we will never tolerate the way they carried out their concerns, depicting teachers as ignorant, authoritarian and insensitive to the concerns of their students,” it read.

Moreover, FEU neighboring school, University of Santo Tomas (UST) College of Education Student Council (CESC) decried the controversial episode.

“The video is blatant attack on all hardworking teachers in the academe and is being arrogant towards the true struggles of the teachers and student. The video fails to recognize that teachers and administrators have been to countless webinars and training these past few months to ensure quality learning in this new normal,” it stated.

UST CESC then reminded VinCentiments that social media is a powerful tool that should be use only to inspire good contents not to destroy or call out the good reputation of teachers.

Furthermore, University of the Philippines (UP) College of Education Student Council (Eduk SC) deplored the said film through an open letter to the director and producers of Vincentiments urging them to take it down.

In an interview made by the VinCentiments short film writer Darryl Yap, he shared that they don’t mean to attack the teachers rather they just wanted to give everyone a platform so that the discourse about online class will be raised.

"Kapag ang tao napag-isip mo, na-offend mo, pinagsalita mo siya, punumpuno man ng puna o pagkamuhi, tagumpay mo 'yun eh. (If you made the people think, you offended them, you let them express themselves, even though it is full of criticisms and hate, it’s your victory) Because art should not serve with comfort, " he claimed.

Amid the controversy, a petition to take down the said film surfaced online which has approximately 37,000 signatories as of writing. FEU YES also launched its signature campaign.